Hi, I have a 1515 and use the open builds control. I have only had this machine for a month and am in the process of learning "all CNC", I'm new. I am confused by several things that are happening, one is when I select a spot to call zero it doesn't fully display zero, I have attached a picture, for example the x axis will show -0.002 not 000. why is this? My other concern is that when I jog my gantry from my zero point to the back of the table then bring it home again the gantry will measure different distances from the front of the machine from side to side, example the left side will be 98mm from the front of the machine and 95mm on the right side. what should I do to eliminate this? I have used the calibration wizard to set-up the machine and double checked it a few times, it seems to be ok? Is this a stepper motor issue? Thanks for any help you can provide. Matt
Stepper motors move in "steps" - You set your steps per mm in Grbl Settings. It cannot move smaller than 1 step, so at some point it has to accomodate the physical smallest move. Also, it's just rounding up for display purposes too, but mainly the round up stems from the absolute minimum move the machine can make. Doesn't really matter, the DRO display is rounded up a couple decimals, you'll be fine when running the job Fix whatever's loose: Sounds like perhaps slipping shaft coupler on motor/leadscrew: Check grubscrews and all other fasteners