When I turn the X32 Box and Power supply on, I can here the X32 Clicking and the Power lights on both the X32 and Power Supply will blink. I an here a clicking noise from the X32 also. When I try to Home my machine, the Motors move-no move several times. I also get a Failed to move away from Homing Switch in Z. I just bought the X32 about 2 months ago. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
That indicates a short circuit: Either PSU wired in reverse or something attached shorting 24V to GND. Or PSU itself not in a good condition. Is it our recommended PSU? Initially I read that as doesn't move, but if its move/stop/move/stop please stop before any more damage comes from the PSU acting up.
It is your PSU. It has worked fine for 2 years. I originally had the Black Box 4. I think it went bad. My Z-Motor and one of the Y-Motors quit working. That is when I ordered the X32. I installed it in July of 2024. I don't even have to start the Software for it to ack up. If I just turn the PSU and X32 on, it will Engage the motors then release them repeatedly.
The psu going into shutdown indicates overcurrent / short Review all wiring Especially if an older controller was damaged, before the new one is killed too