Hi all, after a long time we have finished our first machine and are running into an issue it seems. The Openbuilds CAM is having issues with most of the DXF files we have for it, due to arcs and other open vectors. Therefor we started using SheetCAM with a post postprocessor from CNC3D, only needed to remove the first line from the post to get what seems to be a working Gcode file. When opening it in Control, it shows the part correctly and the Gcode looks right to me. When running the simulation it is cutting in circles and also goes around the round corners on the outside. However when I run the job it only seems to follow the X and Y route and skips/ignores the I and J. From what I understand this is normal GRBL Gcode and should work. Especially since it is not throwing any errors. On Youtube you can see the machine running the code. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OL2NBBQWM28 Hope someone can give me some advise. Thanks! Robert
Include a backup of your Grbl Settings as well please, just to verify some of the more advanced settings like Arc Tolerance hasn't been changed from defaults (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Backup Settings button > Save file and attach)
Hi Peter, thanks for your quick reply. As far as I know I did not alter those settings. Attached the settings file.
$11=1000.000 ; Junction deviation, millimeters $12=1000.000 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters Should be (from https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Grbl-v1.1-Configuration) $11=0.010 Junction deviation, mm $12=0.002 Arc tolerance, mm Also, see Problems with importing DXF into OBcam for info on cleaning up broken DXFs
Thanks Peter! I have looked at so many things but these settings. I indeed saw your post on DXF, but now using SheetCAM it works directly without any further tweaking of the DXF file. Again thanks for the help, much appreciated
Indeed I'm using Sheetcam with probing. https://www.cnc3d.com.au/post/sheetcam-post-processors-now-available This is where I found the post processor, so please do share. I did remove one line from the post processor as it generates a line that has no use and gives an error.