Hello everyone, Pretty new to cnc-ing something happened to my software. In the open builds software I had everything set up in inches and when I went to switch tools for some reason it switched to mm. I dont even know if its mm. (ill attach a picture of it on 3d mode and it shows 200 on the x and y) Also when I load a file I dont see it anymore. It just shows a dot on the bottom left. What did I do?? please help
Never change $13, please keep it on $13=0 (Disabled) or the values will be incorrect. Grbl is metric internally. The mm/inch mode tabs are right above the DROs: Post the file so we can check
Oh wow that makes sense why it wont switch to inches. whoops For the picture you posted I do have mine at inches but the bottom on the 3d view it still shows 200 on x and y
Also when I import a file I cant see it anymore I even tried switching the file into mm and still wont work
As I mentioned before, post one of the files so we can see if loads here The viewer units updates according to the gcode file, i.e the tabs set how you jog, how the DROs are shown, etc, but the viewer reacts to the file loaded. You can jog in mm, and run jobs in inch for example. Neither are ever exclusively set. The machine will honor what the gcode says it is (G20 vs G21) So if it stays on 200x200 theres a problem with the file . Please upload it
Also, I dont have experience with this, but can you actually "output direct to machine" from Vcarve to Control?
wow wth thank you guys lol I had it saved on mm. for some reason when i just got the machine i had to save it on mm and it will display it in Inches. once I updated the software that mustve changed. idk but thank you guys so much lol
Excellent. But can you actually direct transfer to Control? I dont have the Pro version so I cant test and it would be nice to know for future reference/support. thx
Not to CONTROL, but to vectric's own little host called VTransfer, its terrible though VTransfer - Cut2D Laser Desktop V9.0 User Manual
Ah, ok. I saw it selected in his screenshot so wasnt initially sure if that's why the simulation wasnt showing up. I'll go back to not knowing anything about it again. Thank you.
if Vectric can do an http request with multipart form data from a plugin (could be the post) then this would be possible. I have added a button to SketchUcam that does this since the embedded Ruby that Sketchup uses for plugins can do the http request we need.
Only Aspire and VCarvePro has "gadgets" Vectric Gadgets where you can write plugins to do that. And most of customers run the cheaper packages. So didnt bother as we can't help everyone. See Vectric Gadgets