Hello, I am working on a project, that will involve 6 stepper motors. Probably be running at the same time. I have a Arduino and 6 easydrivers. I am currently wiring everything together on the board. I was told that the Arduino can handle 6 motors, but from all the schematics I have seen, people are using the Digital pinouts. I have 3 easy drivers soldered in place, with the step and direction wires, wired to d2-d7. I think the other 3 motors would wire to the other d8-d12 pins. Will the Arduino be able to run all 6 each with varying speeds, steps, and directions? I am a Arduino Noob, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
See AccelStepper: AccelStepper library for Arduino You can use analog pins as digital outputs too. Each driver has a step+dir = 12 pins. Enable can either be hardwired or shared to 1 pin
Wow thank you for responding so quickly. Im taking my time on the wiring. I'll check out your link too. I have a ambitious project that once finished, hopefully actually does something. Im just proud of the stuff I have done already. Thank you again. I wasnt sure about the analog part of it, but that may give me some ideas later on, to help add more to what I have now.