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Workbee 1510 screw driven post processing

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by msdosfx, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. msdosfx

    msdosfx New

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Hi Forum,

    I have completed my 1510 screw driven Workbee and it is up and moving! Will post pics soon. I have a question about generating G-code for it. I know RhinoCam a little bit and have used it to machine things on a Tormach Mill and a 5x8 router. But, as I cannot define the "Machine Tool Set-up" by picking "Workbee 1510 screw driven" from the drop down, I will need to set a manual definition, and I am unsure what to put. I think I basically just need to enter the number of axis as 3 and the min and max X, Y, and Z, but I am not sure what to put in those fields. I don't know if it makes a difference but all 3 of my axis are screw driven including the Y, which I haven't seen a 1510 set up that way yet. Anyone else using RhinoCam to generate G-code for their Workbee, or Ox? I am thinking of switching to Fusion 360, but for now I have academic access to RhinoCam. Any help/advice would be appreciated.

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  2. Ariel Yahni

    Ariel Yahni OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Why no give OpenBuilds CAM and Control a try. I design in Rhino but use the OpenBuilds Control for sending my gcode. You can get it at the top of the page under software
  3. msdosfx

    msdosfx New

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Thanks for the Reply Ariel Yahni. I did run the practice G-code from OpenBuilds CAM when I first got the machine running. I kind of assumed I would run into lots of issues trying to do 3D machining, drilling functions, or things that weren't basically 2 1/2D profiling functions, as all I have seen on the web of people using the OpenBuilds CAM has been 2 1/2D profiling. But that is a good point that I should see what it can do before figuring out an alternative.
  4. msdosfx

    msdosfx New

    Oct 9, 2018
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    In Case someone else had the same question as me, I figured it out. When I am creating my tool path in RhinoCAM, I left the machine as undefined. When I went to post my G-Code, I selected GRBL-Inch from the drop down. OpenBuilds Controll opened up the file and displayed the tool path, no problem.

    As per your advice Ariel Yahni, I tried to use OpenBuilds CAM and it would not even open the DXF of my model, so thats a no-go for me.

    So next I will try out Fusion360 and use GRBL-Inch as the post processor to create some true 3D g-code.
  5. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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  6. msdosfx

    msdosfx New

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Thanks! I should have some time to give Fusion360 a whirl today for CAM. It sure would be nice if I could do my CAM in Fusion360 since both of my computers are Macintosh, and I have to run around to computer labs to access RhinoCam. What is your machine sharmstr? Are you using OpenBuilds Control, Chili peppr, Universal G-Code Sender or something else?
  7. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    I'm on a Windows 10 laptop. I usually do my CAD from my workstation, then CAM it out on my laptop at the machine. I've been using OB control connected to XPro3 with very few issues. However, I've recently upgraded my machine to linear rails, lead screws and bigger motors, so I'm now driving it with OB control connected to an arduino uno and DQ542 drivers. I have yet to run a job with this config but I dont anticipate any issues.

    I posted some thoughts and advice about the Strooom post processor at this link if you are interested: OpenBuilds CONTROL Software
    msdosfx likes this.

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