Hello I’ll start by saying this is user error or inexperience let’s say I cut at 70ipm. My machine will move at 70 the entire time. So even when moving to next cut position how can I get faster movements when not cutting. Black Box and workbee thanks
Look at the explanations of grbl's settings on this page: gnea/grbl $110, $111, $112 control your maximum rates by axis. If left at defaults, rapids and jogs will be very slow, and cutting feeds will be limited. $120, $121, $122 control your maximum accelerations by axis. If left at defaults, you don't have enough physical room in the machine to get up to full speed. X,Y speeds on belt-driven extrusion machines should comfortably be able to be 5000-10,000mm/min. I think acceleration can easily be 2000-3000mm/s/s, but I forget exactly what it is on mine now. Just keep increasing it until your motor stalls out right at the beginning of a G0 move, then back it off about 10% or so. Z numbers will be slower, of course, with gravity and the screw.