During my last cut , my board wasn't flat and started cutting to deep and started making a grinding noise . I immediately stopped the cut and tried to start it again and did the same thing. I homed the machine and turned it off. Today I restarted and tried to do a different cut making sure the board was level and flat and it did the same thing . Its the x motor thats having the problems. If I jog continuous either direction it does ok , but as I jog incremental negative for a few steps, it will go negative and then go positive for a step and then back to negative back and forth even though I'm jogging negative , Its the same if I jog positive for a few steps then it will go negative. I hope I have explained this to where you can understand what I'm trying to say.
There may be a short/loose wire. I would check all the connections to start with for the troubleshooting process.
I checked the wiring and the wires seem to be snug in place . I tried another cut and it did the same thing . Any other thoughts as to what could be causing this to happen ? Thank You
docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] is most likely, may appear tight but do check continuity Also check Grubscrews on pulleys/shaft couplers connecting to the motor - could slip on the leadscrew or motor shaft
Ok thank you , I will check this also . Before I sent my first message , I looked at the motor and all 4 screws that the motor is mounted by were loose , so I tightened them hoping that was the problem . but Ill do more checking with it .
The video I posted is showing what the motor is doing . We’ve checked the wires from the x motor to the black box . And we checked grub screws and restepped the lead screw. I hope the video helps in trying to explain what’s going on . Since the x motor is the only one we are having problems from , are the wires on the x motor the only ones that would be affecting it or will any wire on the machine cause the problem. I hope that’s not a silly question , but at this point nothing is a silly question to me . However I did check for any other loose wires on the other motors . Also After checking all wires I tried to run the file again and it still would go negative when trying to go positive and vise versa . My husband is wondering if it’s in the program and should we delete open builds and reinstall . I’m sorry to have to ask this again . Thank you
From the video, docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] is definately the issue. Recheck (or even better, redo) the X motor's wiring all the way from the controller to the motor. The link above explains it in more detail but from the video only 3 of the 4 wires are making contact throughout, or the coil pairs are incorrectly identified.
Thank you for your help . After stripping the wires and reconnecting it still didn't run correctly . My husband got his oms meter , which we should have done in the first place like you suggested , but I forgot to tell him that ,cause I have to do things the hard way , and found the yellow wire was bad . My husband had a wire in the garage and connected it in the yellow slot and now works perfectly . You definitely know how this machine works. Thank you again