I have a 1010 machine with a X32 controller running grblHAL 1.1f. Machine has been working great, without issues, until yesterday. After running a job, I attempted to re-home the machine, and the X-Axis is functioning sporadically. I have attached 2 videos demonstrating the random weird behavior. At times, X-axis stepper will somewhat work (video #1) and other times, X-Axis stepper sounds like a grinding noise and refuses to move (video #2). Note: Y and Z axis steppers are properly moving without any issues. I have attempted to reset the X32 via (software/power cycle), to no avail. Again, machine ran a clean set of cuts, without issue, and then the problem appeared. EMI: 1. I have removed all terminal plugs from the X32 motors and limit switches, and verified there are no loose wires. Everything is snug as a bug. 2. I have no power wires crossing the motor wires, trying to seperate/isolate each to avoid excess EMI. 3. I do have a SuperPID unit controlling the router. That is also properly grounded. - I also disconnected the SuperPID units power, and attempted a jog of the X-Axis, and still see the same results, even with this unit powered off. 4. I restored my backed up grblHAL settings and reprogrammed the X32, however still see the issues. Could use some help. 1. Is it a failed set of controller drivers on the X32? 2. Bad NEMA 23 stepper (Using the OpenBuidls MT-2303H280AW-OB) stepper motors? 3. other? Before I tear apart and redo all the wiring (which I'd rather not do), I wanted to see if anyone has some additional thoughts? Thanks, Eric
On my phone, so didn't look at the videos yet, but your description sounds very much like a loose/intermittent connection on one wire out of the four to that stepper. If you can't find a poor connection try using that stepper cable on the Z motor. IMPORTANT - Power off before disconnecting/reconnecting any wiring. Alex.
Alex: Good idea.. and I just tried that. Here's what I tried.. 0. Powered off the X32. 1. Disconnected the X-Axis motor wires from the X-Axis motor port and reconnected the X-Axis Motor wires into the Z-Axis motor port, on the X32 2. Connected the Z-Axis Motor Wires into the X-Axis motor port, on the X32. 3. Powered on the X32 and reconnected via USB 4. Using OpenBuildsCONTROL jog feature, hit the Z-Down/Z-Up buttons (to test X-Axis Stepper Motor). Results: Same Motor Behavior is seen in the videos. Barely moves and or makes a grind noise) 5. Then I used the X-Left/Right jog buttons, to move the Z-Axis Stepper Motors (formally known to be working, as stated earlier) Results: Z-Axis stepper motors worked perfectly. Conclusion: - I believe this proves the X32 motor drivers are not bad (for the XYZ-Motor Ports) - I concure there is probably a Wiring issue with the X-Axis wiring to the Stepper, which I will replace next - If resoldering the new wiring doesnt resolve it, then I would assume were looking at a Stepper Motor issue itself Thoughts?
Prolem Resolved: The Fix: - Loose wire that fed into the terminal block that gets plugged into the X32. - Used a multi-meter to verify continuity on each side of the stepper motor. Using this method described in the troubleshooting section of the X32 I was able to locate which specific wire was causing the problem. Many thanks to Alex for pointing me in the right direction! All X/Y/Z axis are now functioning as expected!