xpro V3 Ox built CNC: A-Axis won’t work. Hello, i have a question regarding my CNC xpro V3 I am using with my OX-like built CNC router. It was running fine, until I have tried to change the stepper settings to a finer setting by moving the jumpers and Pot adjustment, because the Z-axis acted a bit sluggish. After the adjustment the A-axis, which is the designated slave axis to the Y-axis does not move at all anymore. The things I have tried: Changing GRBL settings, uploaded my initial GRBL settings again, Used different G-code senders, tried switching the stepper motors to check if it’s a motor problem. None of the above worked. Now I have measured the resistance between to connector pins at the board at the a-axis driver. There is no resistance between the A1, A2, B2, B1 connectors when the power is off, means , it seems like they have connection throughout. I guess the board is malfunctioning ? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
Not an answer to your doubt but... How do you make this Y slave thing? I built an upscaled version of the OX and the two Y motors don't seem to work well in series in this version, I might need more dedicated current to each motor separately. Thanks.
Consider a BlackBox: See: Ox style wiring: docs:blackbox:connect-nema23-reversed-y2 [OpenBuilds Documentation] Slave selection: docs:blackbox:jumper-slaveaxis [OpenBuilds Documentation]