Hello, Delighted to be part of the community, I am a beginner in the CNC world and I meet a problem, which seems to me not normal. Has anyone encountered a heating problem with the XPRO V4 card? The Atmel MEGA328PB chipset is very very hot to the point that I burned my finger. Thank you for your feedback.
That would definately be a dead xPro at this point. They do not heat up unless already destroyed by a bad overvoltage, short, etc Incorrect wiring could have killed the MCU, so check your wiring very closely when you get a new controller, or it may destroy another one.
est-il possible de changer le composant de la carte mère? et après cela, sera-t-il possible de réinjecter le code grbl? En apparence, il n'y a pas de composant impacté.
Depends on your skill level, but yes - Replace the chip (surface mount, so need hot air tools, wicking, flux, etc) - Reflash bootloader using an ICSP programmer: Arduino - Bootloader (needs an ISCP programmer like an AVRISP, USBTinyISP etc) - Reinstall Grbl: gnea/grbl
hello, thank you for your help, i think more, for a question of time, reinvest on another card. best regard,
Just be careful that you check all wiring etc before connecting a new one, before it damages the replacement controller too Good luck! PS: Consider the BlackBox 4X (OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation) - it has protected inputs that help prevent wiring issues from causing damages