Hello, New to the forum! I've mainly using it in the past few weeks for troubleshooting but ran into an issue that I can't resolve. Just finished up assembling my LEAD 1515 powered by xPro V5. I am using Xtention limit switches that seems to be working fine when triggered by hand. If I for example send my X axis 100mm to any side and while moving press the limit switch it would stop and I will get an alarm. Same thing applies to Y axis limit switch. The issue comes if I send any of these axis home. They would just crash into the switches and I have to stop the cnc from the controller on/off switch. Homing works for Z axis as it should! Also tried sending the X and Y axis a bit further away from the switches then would home any of them and just press the corresponding switch but it does not do anything, the machine goes on without any disturbance! I have to add that at first I crashed into both these switches as I didn't read that I gotta enable $21 in grbl. Could it be that the switches are totalled? But why are they working fine except for homing. Will try to switch the Z axis switch (as I know that it's ok) with the other two. That way will know for sure if it's the crashed switches fault. Meatwhile I am open to suggestions!
Is your firmware up to date? Unlike official Grbl, that port they use is constantly in development, may just be a bug. See bdring/Grbl_Esp32 If the switches work as Hard Limits they are fine and must work for Homing. So possibly Firmware issue
Honestly I am a bit lost. Shouldn't be I updating using: Spark-Concepts/xPro-V5 for firmware update. If yes, it's been updated.
I don't know, maybe best to ask the vendor directly for support, I was under the impression they run ESP32Grbl, but we are not sure. If they do, check if they keep up to date with the Upstream repo (the repo you linked hasnt been updated in 5 months)
Well! I tend to have a good handwriting but my X and Y are really close when comparing. Soo what I've done is, I've marked all cable ends to be able to run them through the drag chains and managed not to understand my own writings and have switched the X and Y axis limit switch connectors that go into the xPro. So now that this is sorted out I have to move to the next major issue and that is squaring the machine. I've been struggling today for few hours without any luck. Tomorrow will remove all inner 2040 extrusions and try to square the outer frame only. Hopefully that will work! The Y axis are square at the back of the machine but when i move it forward, the R/H Y axis falls behind few cm every time...
Managed to crash into the Y axis limit switch last night and unfortunately this was the last time for it (Don't know why it happened! I extended the whole wiring so that I'll be able to place the xPro V5 in front of the machine and once was done just wanted to do a quick homing using the xPro webUI to make sure everything works aaand it crashed into the limit switch). Now it does not register the button so I am assuming that the limit switch itself is broken. Could anyone share what the parameters of the switch are and is it possible to resolder another one? I will place an order for a new one but that will take at least a week to get to me. And meanwhile I just want to make the machine go brr. (Still struggling to get Y to X axis square) Regards, Dimitar
Dimitar, if you are confident in your soldering skills then soldering a new switch should not be a problem and the switches are mostly very common and should be available to you locally.
Thank you for the reply! I am sure soldering itself would not be a problem, I was mainly asking what the specs of the switch are? I haven't removed the old one, maybe the specs are printed on the hidden side of the switch.
"lever microswitch left angle" available everywhere or just replace it with a Xtension Limit Switch Kit if you cannot source one
You are switching a SIGNAL not a LOAD. The amperage in this setup is so minimal you don't even have to mention it and so is the voltage (in this case). ANY limit switch will do. Google 'limit switch' and choose the one that looks best to you, never mind the specs, they all will be good.
You're right! I just wanted to make it look as oem as possible. Using the p/n listed above I was able to find several switches with the same dimentions. Finding the right thing in google is a bit difficult when you don't know the word for "limit switch" in your native language. It's all set now! Ordered few switches as replacement if needed and 3 new Xtensions from Ratrig. Thanks for the help!
Limit switch fixed! Even replaced the LED as it also got smashed once. Got 3 brand new switches if a quick replacement is needed. Machine is working and I am learning a lot! Everything good so far except that I ran into an issue. I ran a job the other day and decided that the CNC is good on it's own and that I could do something else (keeping one eye on it). Had a lot of sawing to do so power on my dust extractor and table saw and got to work. Just a minute later I could only hear the router working and no movement from the CNC. When checked on CNCjs there was a limit switch error that stopped the machine. I thought of electrical noise that could have cause the problem but decided to reset the job and carry on with my sawing. As expected it stopped within few minutes of powering on the other machines. I know that the Xtention switches have filters in them to prevent electric noise from causing problems but could anything else be added to fix the issue? Will ferrite magnets do any good?
I would check the Earthing on the tool nearby that caused the issues. If it has dust extraction, don't forget to earth the hose too
Turned out to be a ground issue. Once I connected a wire from the metal tubes to the dust collector it all seems to be working fine. Ran few times a job in the air, turning on and off and on and off the DC, and no hard limit tripping anymore! Thank you, Peter!
Good catch, Dust extractor hoses are easy to forget to earth - as you don't think about them being sources of electrical interference. But the dust and air particles rushing over the surface creates thousands of volts.