I'm trying to setup/use my new XYZ probe on a Workbee 1010 using a X32 controller. I've flashed the latest firmware to the X32 and using latest CONTROL. When attempting to probe, properly locate the bit over the XYZ touch plate and attach the magnet to the collet. When doing so the CONTROL shows "Triggered". If I continue and select Probe from the CONTROL software I get the attached error and the bit does not move. I've double checked all wiring and the probe is connected to the X32 at the correct location. I also have a new Z Probe which behaves the same way and also shows Triggered as soon as I attach the clip to the bit. Any help greatly appreciated.
Any chance you have VFD spindle? Earth to GND short? XYZ Probe Plus with VFDs and other ground-loop inducing components
I wish but am using the Bosch 1617EVS. I'm still getting the same error but now the bit is moving from being located over the "cut out" to the center of the touch plate but when the Z axis should lower I get the error displayed above. So, Probe is moving bit on X,Y but not Z. Thanks
Don't test by running probes just yet, its easier to use the troubleshooting tab to check things out properly Multimeter between the Bosch's collet and DC GND on controller: continuity? You mention "XYZ Probe Is triggered when placing magnet on bit, shows "Triggered". in the post title, indicating that the probe is finding a route back to GND via the spindle as soon as you clip it on (explains the initial state error too) Exactly, thats the G38 step, lines up with the rest too - it won't start probing because its in the incorrect (triggered) state already (short via router?) Any DC GND shorting to machine frame (behind a limit switch) etc can transfer to the spindle too - even if its not a VFD. Multimeter is the way to go
We're on the same page... There is continuity between DC Gnd and the Bosch collet, which makes sense in this situation but not sure how this could happen. I'm using end stops on all 3 axis they they seem to work as expected. Thanks for the quick responses. I've been working on this for a while.
I've checked for all end stops for a short to something but everything looks great. I was thinking about unplugging the endstops from the X32 and disabling in the config just to be sure. Any thoughts on tracing this out? Thanks
Process of elimination - multimeter in continuity between DC GND and Collet, unplugging random stuff till it stops beeping. See earlier linked thread, random monitors, PC cases, upside down endstops, etc could all inadvertently connect DC GND to AC EARTH (if router body is earthed) or to the frame/router
Mystery solved. When the limit switch was attached to the Z axis, the probe showed Triggered in CONTROL and the green light on the probe was ON, a short condition. This was the state when the bit was NOT touching the touch plate. I found if I removed the limit switch from the Z axis the software did not show Triggered and the probe light went out. This is the correct state and probing worked. Both states were confirmed by use of a multimeter. When the limit switch is attached to the Z axis it is rotated 180 degrees so that the circuit board side is showing. The "short" condition from the limit switch to the Z axis causing the Triggered condition was due to the M5 screw that holds the switch to the frame. The short happened when the M5 screw touched the surface of the limit switch and was tightened to the frame. Once I put a thin rubber washer on the outside between the head of M5 screw and the limit switch there was no longer a short. Problem solved, probe working. Thanks for the help!
There we go, oldie but goldie Mentioned it earlier: _____________ Aluminum oxide is insulating, so this only happens if the screw scratches through the oxide coating on the extrusion too - I think this is the 2nd or 3rd time we've seen it happen in all this time