Ran the hello world program for the first time today and after it finished Y2 was about 1.5 inches behind Y1. Could this be due to current adjustment on blackbox or uneven cable lengths or a combination of both? Thanks
We need more info to help with this. What machine - belt or screw drive? What controller electronics and control software? Look for loose connections in drive - pulley fixing to motor or motor coupling to leadscrew. Alex.
Custom machine? 1500 is a little long for our leadscrews (whipping issues etc) not sure if that causes issues here Other than that: 1. Set current pot to about the same as Y1 2. Recheck couplers, they may feel tight but under fast acceleration/deceleration it could budge if it's not tight enough 3. Wiring: loose or intermittint connection could be breaking a few random times through the move as it's tugging on the wiring, but tests fine on one end. 4. Does long jog moves back and forth cause issue too?
I bought it as a kit WorkBee CNC Machine - 1500 x 1500mm - Maker Store USA Would it be simple enough to change the Y axis to belt if everything checks out on the lead screw but still out of square?
I’m in the garage right now and discovered that Y1 comes to a stop a lot faster than Y2. Any ideas? EDIT: I lowered the axis acceleration on all the axis to 100mm/sec. seems to have fixed it. I’ll run a few more tests and see where my sweet spot is.
When you assembled the machine, did you notice if was harder to thread the Y2 screw through the nut block? There have been multiple reports of the nut blocks being too tight. This might be causing lag, especially during rapid acceleration. You should be able to feel a difference in resistance when turning by hand with the motors off. If you think that might be an issue, the fix is basically to let it wear in and use some dry silicone spray on the screw.