Anyone seen this before? I have a home built desktop CNC which I have been tinkering with for a few months now, I'm mainly using it for etching PCBs. A few days ago, I tried Candles' Height map feature and fund it was not following the G-Code path properly. Tried a few things and have concluded it's as the leveling feature moves the Z Axis to follow the surface of the PCB Y can sometimes invert. As it was following the same path every time, I tried some GCode directly and it is consistant.. if I move Z Down while attempting to move Y away, Y will in fact come forward. I;ve searched here and other places, I did find a tread which suggested it could be a fault with the board, so bought a new one.... EXACTLY the same.. Dono what to do next. Has anyone seen this before, and if so what can i do to stop it?
Sounds like an intermittent loose connection docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] When only 3 of the 4 wires makes good contact
Hi Peter, thanks for your input. That was my first thought, I have checked the wiring, but I ruled it out as unlikely as the Y axis uses 2 motors which are moving consistently in the wrong direction. If I move Z independently, it works fine it is only one combination which is causing the problem and its every time. GCode Result G01 F100 - Set feedrate - OK G91 - Set Relative movement G01 Y5 Z5 - Up Back G01 Y-5 Z5 - Forward Down G01 Y-5 Z-5 - Forward Down G01 Y5 Z-5 - Forward Down I hadn't realized, but there is actualy only one scenario where the Y axis will go back when also moving Z.. No less baffling.... I have used 2 UNO boards, different types in fact and they both do the same.
Ok... May have answered my own question looking the above results. It looks like there may be some cross connection on the direction pins of Z and Y.. And sure enough tested with a Meter and there's only 10 ohms between them compared with 10Mohm between other Axis' Couldn't see anything, but ran a screwdriver between the solder joints between pins 6 and 7 on the CNC shield.. Short has gone. Everything back together... Bingo! Great site BTW