Hi, like a couple of fellow members, I am having problems with the y motors. I have a killer bee 1010 machine. I am in the process of just finalising the initial set up. I had initially followed the excellent open builds video to put together the machine. However, just before finalising the electrics, I noticed that the wiring of the motor connectors from open builds differed from the rat rig diagram. Open builds was given as red, blue, green,yellow from right to left from the motor. Rat rig’s motors were blue, yellow, green and red from the right. So I went back and changed them to rat rigs as they supplied the motors in my kit. Everything else connected up with no problem. I then followed the video to install the software etc and set the machine up initially. I used the settings for the open builds work bee 1010 to download. My led light, limit switches and x and a motors all work as expected. I have no movement /sound whatsoever from the y motors. I have checked and no loose wires from the y motors, all wired as per the rat rig wiring, same as the x and z motors. I am using the open builds power case kit and the black box controller. Everything running through the black box is working except the y motors. Help!
@Peter Van Der Walt , is the Openbuilds profile for the Workbee 1010 belt or leadscrew drive on the Y? I was wondering if it was a max speed/accelleration settings issue? The Ratrig machines are leadscrew or ballscrew if it's the PRO version. @Mick Cockburn, could you post your grbl settings please. Alex.
do not trust anyones wire colors, instead, find out for yourself which wires are pairs on the motors, and then wire the pairs. the documentation goes into detail on it, I have a simple way (for 4 wire motors). make sure all wires on the motor are not connected to anything turn the motor by hand and note the feel of it. should be a steppy but mostly smooth. connect any 2 wires together turn the motor, if it is the same as above, then those are not a pair if it becomes very clicky to turn, then you have found a winding, note the colors. the other pair should feel the same clickiness when connected together. simple I think. no gadgets required either.
Described in section 4 of docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] But probably more likely related to docs:blackbox-4x:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Wouldn't result in Stalling would make the tell tale whining sound. Bad motor wiring would make the tell tale rattling sounds. Half of technical Troubleshooting is reading the fine clues
What I can see through the slats, it is version 2.1 on the black box. I have unwired the y motors from the connectors. I have tested the wires and found the pairs, these happen to be the same as the rat rig wiring. The motor turns freely with no wires touching and grates in the pairings.
Sorry Peter, no I haven’t. Probably won’t get back to it until tomorrow. Have a number of hospital things going on at the moment. I’ll get back to you. Thank you.
Hi Peter, have managed to check no lights for any of the motors. Only light showing is the green power indicator light. Tested the wires and they pair up as per the rat rig wiring diagram. When not paired motor turns freely, when paired they are stiff and gratey. Mick
Motors Enabled should be lit too. Post your Grbl Settings backup (CONTROL > GRBL SETTINGS TAB > BACKUP SETTINGS BUTTON) V2.10 perhaps? (two point ten) BlackBox 4X correct? (Not BlackBox X32)
Yes black box 4x, ah, I’ll have a look at motors and girl settings later or tomorrow morning. I’m off to hospital now. Many thanks. Mick
Definitely black box 4x. I changed the machine settings from open builds to the lead 1010, this is what I now have showing on the black box. I have gone from y axis not working to y axis and z axis not working.
MORNING PETER, ive switched on the cnc this morning and now i have two axis working, z and x. y still not working. No red warning lights on the black box? I believe these are the gbrl settings you wanted.
I believe Peter is referring to this advice (docs:blackbox-4x:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation]) in post #6 above. Alex.
Hi Alex, I believe he referred to black box x32, which I don’t have. I have the x4. So am I looking at upgrading the firmware for the black box in the first instance , or doing a reset on the black box followed by firmware upgrade and see where we are from there?
Click the link. Read it. Stepper drivers doesnt have firmware.. X32 and 4X has no difference in that section (neither in documentation nor in circuitry nor advice etc) Its not a settings, firmware, problem. Its nothing related to X32 vs 4X. If you read the link provided (several time already) you'd see the causes of the Fault Indicator in the 2nd half of that page. None mentions firmware or Grbl Settings (so I know you still haven't viewed it, many replies later, else you wouldn't have brought those up instead of the usual causes) Until you look it over, and address the possible causes, its not surprising the fault persists. You will have to hunt it down and do something about it first. Hoping at the same time the reluctance hasn't led to permanent damage
Hi Peter, thanks for that and I apologise that I hadn’t looked at the links in post number 6. I’m 64 and this is my first Cnc, so everything is new to me. However my reluctance in not viewing the links was a confusion in other posts questioning which black box I had. X4 or x32. When I saw your post and the links, I saw within the link x32, I wrongly assumed therefore it was not information for my black box. So moving forward. I have checked the pairings in the motor wiring and identified the pairs. I have switched the machine on this afternoon and now have 4 red fault lights on the black box. I have increased and decreased the potentiometer for each motor which hasn’t done anything. I have checked my usb connection and com port and all seems in order as I’ve had no error messages. I have reset the black box and confirmed the open builds lead 1010 as my machine and saved these. I have re-checked wiring to motors and all connections are paired up correctly and no loose wires. I have removed everything from the black box, connected the x axis and it works. Connected the z axis and it works. Removed both of these and connected both y and y2 motors, nothing. Should I remove one of the other motors from x or an and connect it to the y wiring connector and see it it works? Any other help would be most welcome, or do you think my black box is compromised? Mick
USB is NOT mentioned anywhere in that link. Pointless guessing wastes everyone time, but mostly your own Fault Indicator is ONLY (as per the link) Overtemp, Overcurrent, Short Circuit and Undervoltage Again have mentioned the driver and their fault checks work in isolation, stop messing with things not mentioned in the link Great, checked, move on to the other listed possibilities Yes that's a good test to just reconfirm wiring, though I suspect you'll see same symptoms as you did already check the wiring per your info provided So, what Power Supply do you have? The Meanwell we recommend and document and supply? Or 3rd party. Undervoltage is a good possible cause to affect all the drivers at once Overtemp: did you check the fan as advised in the linked documentation yet?