Hi all, I'm relatively new on this and I hope someone kind can help me. I'm running my grl using an Arduino UNO. I just connected each pin ('GND','DIR','STEP') to the digital pin of the Arduino for the 3 axis using Easy Driver as Stepper Drivers. Problems: 1) The z-axis doesn't home using 'OpenBuilds CONTROL'. Neither to the left nor to the right side. 2) I want to move the x-axis and the y-axis at the same time. But one in the opposite direction than the other, because they are placed as if it were a mirror. How can it be implemented? I think I have to edit the config.h but I don't know exactly where 3) The stepper motors are moving super slow (they are moving in mm). I changed the parameters $100, $101, $102 but there is no difference. Thanks in advance.
Checkout the Grbl wiki at github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki - read it in its entirety it would answer (1) and (3) (2) is an odd request, if both motors run the same "axis" wire two drivers to one output, just swopping motor wires on the second driver, to reverse it.
The Z axis doesn't move left or right, the X axis does that. Z axis moves up and down. Maybe that's your problem? If you are talking about jogging then I don't think that it can be done without a macro. There is no option in the config.h, as far as I know, that can do it. What values did you put in? I guess Peter answered while l was typing. Oh well, that how it goes some times!
Thank you. Yes, sorry I confused the terms. Exactly, it doesn't move up and down. And I configured it as the others but with their respective pins. I read that it is possible to jog the axes together with this macro: define HOMING_CYCLE_1 ((1<<X_AXIS)|(1<<Y_AXIS)) But I didn't get the result I wanted. The last problem I could fix it just changing the value of Max Rate ($110, $111, $112) for each axis.