i am facing a problem to jog z axis but it could not on an other side computer is displaying that z axis is moving but physically it is not moving. It is further that x and y axis is moving properly. 2ndly i tried to home all axis it would not also work. Requested to all of you can you help me.
Check the wiring to your Z stepper motor (with the power off) preferably with a multimeter. Homing will not work until you fix Z - it has to home Z first. docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Alex.
Connection and current setting is correct. Power is not coming out from Black Box. I connected another motor on Z Port but motor did not move. But smooth hissing sound is coming from motor. Please tell me what to do?
Use the FAQ page to actually measure and check your Coil wiring: docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]. - do exactly as described. As that method properly identifies miswiring issues in both extension cables and motors. Hissing sound is classic symptom of a wiring issue as mentioned in the FAQ page, see the very first section
Actually I have 2 no black box. When I connected with 2nd one its work well but with 1st one it have same issue. I think there is issue with black box. Can you help me to figure it out.