I have asked this over at Github and no answers, I have read everything and watched all of the videos and I still have a question. Bcnc appears to automate the probe function. In the wiki manual, it skips right over the Probe tab, and goes to Autolevel, which at this time, I don't need. See pix for the blank spaces that are there to help you get the z 0 set quickly. I have the plate, thickness 1.61 mm and wired in to the controller board. When I place the bit over the plate a few mm it lowers, touches and stops. Obviously, this isn't really z0, where do I tell the software that the plate thickness needs to be subtracted or added depending on your point of reference? Thanks for any help.
Also, on the 'tool' tab there is a 'calibrate' box, I think that is where you put in the touch plate thickness
you can type values into the WPOS boxes; so once the probe has completed, enter your plate thickness as the current Z Value. Alternatively you could use one of the user configurable buttons on the Control Screen and set it to run something like; G38.2 Z-3 F1 G92 Z1.61
@David the swarfer TLO is Tool Length Offset.. A simple way would be to enter your plate thickness in tlo run your probe routine and then hit Z=0.. If you want to use probing often just set up a marco. Both options are discussed "Here" The Calibration option is used to find your plate thickness for tool changes vs the zero of your work. You can read about it "Here". I prefer the paper or feeler gauge method. Simple and quick. When I get around to trying a pcb I might have to look into probing / auto leveling more.
I automate XYZ in UGS with a macro, 10 seconds, done: I broke down the gcode in the comments section for those that are learning, like myself.
Sorry to say but I find this solution very devious . . . Give my solution a try and give me your opinion . . . 1 take a micro switch and drill a ~3mm hole in the back . . . 2 glue with 2comp epoxy the shaft of a broken cutter or dril in this hole . . . 3 solder two wires to C and NO and connect them with your Probe Terminal. With this 50 cents tool you can Auto Level non conducting material. It will give you a precision/resolution better than 50 microns and also works top when you want to engrave. All letters and symbols will have exactly the same depth ! Regards, Tom BEANTWOORDEN