Good morning. My z-probing is not working correctly. OpenBuilds LEAD 1510 purchased/built Nov ’23, Black Box 32, Router11, OB Touch Probe Plus, OB Control, 60-degree V-bit, zeroing at the machine bed. Install bit in router. Place probe under bit, with bit about 15mm above probe. Test touch probe to bit, get green lights, as usual. Initiate z-probe routine from OB Control. Router travels downward on Z-axis. Bit touches probe, green lights come on. Router continues to travel downward on Z-axis, driving bit partially into probe, eventually straining motor. I quickly click “Abort”. Raise the router on the Z-axis via OB Control. Try again several times, same problem. I ran a few jobs this morning, including zeroing the Z-axis for each job, with no problem. Then this started after changing bits (back to a bit I used previously today). I’ve cleaned the bit, made sure it was installed securely, and I have green lights on contact with probe. But when the probe is contacted, it doesn’t stop the downward movement on the Z-axis. Tried several times, same every time. Removed the bit, re-installed, turned off OB Control, disconnected BlackBox from computer. Started everything up again, same problem. What could be the problem? Thx, rink. EDIT: Just found a loose wire. EDIT 2: The blue wire coming from Black Box to probe was loose. Fixed that and all works good. So, apparently, you can get green lights indicating a good connection...but still not actually have a completely good connection.
Check troubleshooting tab in CONTROL instead, lights are on the probe itself (all internal circuitry), doesn't prove signal wire is intact all the way back to controller - for that you should watch the troubleshooting tab As expected glad you found it