Looking for the correct settings or process. I have just set up my LeadMachine CNC 1010 with a Black Box controller. I was able to successfully run my first G Code with successful completion. I have set with homing sequence and soft limits to the actual machine size. After I complete the run I want the router to return to Machine zero and select the option to go to the machine zero G53 G0 Z0 from the GoTo section in the contoller software. This results in the Z moving up and contacting the limit switch and causing the alarm for the triggered limit switch. The response also recommends Re-homing. I changed the configuration homing feed and seek rate and the pull of distance: $20=1 ;Soft limits enable, boolean $21=1 ;Hard limits enable, boolean $22=1 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean $23=3 ;Homing direction invert, mask $24=50.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min $25=250.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min $26=50 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds $27=6.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters Not sure if I am asking the system to do something it cannot or if my configuration is incorrect. Thanks... Art
this is quite normal, Z=0 is where the switch tripped so it will trip again if you go there (if it is at all accurate). it is then required to not go to 0 but instead to go just short of zero G53 G0 Z-5 for example. the -5 can be changed to whatever suites your machine, so if -1mm is enough then use that most post processors allow for entering such an offset to allow for safe raised Z moves that do not trip switches. however, you may need to create a custom macro in CONTROL for this since you cannot edit the built in button. @Peter Van Der Walt
Thanks David and Peter. I will work on the macro and reply how it works. May have to wait until tomorrow as it should hit 100 in the garage today. It appears that the debounce after homing doesn't affect Machine zero. That is it zeros when hitting the limit and moves off but zero is actually when the limit is change from closed to open or visa versa. So changing the debounce has no effect where machine zero is.
Created a custom macro and I am able to get the Z to position -1. Not alarm even better. Thanks. Next I will try a marco to get them all to move, once I figure it out. thanks again.
go to machine home, safely raise Z first Code: G21 G90 G17 ; set default modes G53 G0 Z-1 ; raise Z G53 G0 X-1 Y-1 ; move X and Y to machine coordinates I have the hotkey CTRL+M assigned to this. 'M'achine home go to Work 0,0 safely Code: G21 G90 G17 G53 G0 Z-1 G0 X0 Y0 I have CTRL-H assigned to this, for Work Home my macro hotkeys will always be CTRL+something because i do not want an accidental keypress to move the machine
Thanks David, That works well. I just need to get my Black Box to connect and I will be good to go. Art