Hi I am brand new to CNC and have just built a machine from RATRIG, I’m using a black box controller and Openbuilts interface. The issue I have is when I move the Z and X axis they move in the opposite direction to the arrows on the interface! When I press X- the X axis moves right And when I press X+ The X axis moves left, Likewise when I press Z- the Z axis moves up and when I press Z+ the Z axis moves down. The Y axis moves as expected when I press Y- the axis moves to the front of the machine and Y+ moves the Y axis to the back of the machine. All the stepper motors are wired the same? Do I need to reverse the wiring on the X and Z motors or is that how it should be?
You can swap any one pair of wires from one coil around to change the direction or reverse the direction in the grbl settings using $3 settings, really should check out the grbl wiki and read all the settings so you understand them. Cheers Gary
Gary Thanks for your response all sorted now. But I do have another problem now , I managed to knock my interface off my bench and have pulled the wires out of the connector, do you know where I can get another lead from? I don’t see one on the Openbuilds website.