Hi. I am having trouble wrapping my head around zeroing xyz using the OpenBuilds XYZ Probe Plus with the INTERFACE CNC Touch . On normal endmills like .250 or any of the ones included on the touch probe list I am fine but when it comes to tapered bits I am confused on how to use it . For example the shaft of the bit is .250 but it tapers down to a point .How do I zero that ? Also I have a bit that the shaft is .250 but the endmill on it is .07 , what one do I use one the list in the probe?
You probe XY with a dowel pin or other perfectly round endmill (not v, ball, taper, etc) - ideally one that matches available endmill diameters (This to get an accurate reference for X and Y) Then change to the tapered tool, and only probe (or manually zero) Z to set the length