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      This is the Gigantic ACRO system from openbuilds store.The machine was mounted by the instructions on the video. I made the table and other details necessary to put that monster to work. Using 15 watt chinese laser. The CNC Xpro V3 driver is very easy to use and with good documentation and came with GRBL V 1.1f. In the end of the post you can see the parameters i use to make all run smooth...hope it helps, the grbl configuration is allways the most confusing part .



      For a machine that size it is very dificult to make it work without end stops, so i used 2 in x


      and y and made a "system" to manage the cables

      . IMG_20180223_151654343.jpg IMG_20180223_151647095.jpg

      Here is the GRBL CONF:

      Machine connected
      Firmware grbl 1.1f detected
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution - CC BY

    Reason for this Build

    Need a monster laser !
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