This build followed the Ox Cnc build listed by Mark Carew here on Openbuilds with some unique alterations. I will not duplicate here what Mark has already described during his Ox Cnc build. I will however show you the changes that I made to my version of this machine. Before beginning, be sure to review the Ox Cnc build by Mark Carew. The link is shown below. His video's are extremely helpful.
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine | OpenBuilds
My work table that is being used for my Ox CNC was inspired by design by Martin Barfored. I have made a few changes for my design such as not using the automotive jacks to move the casters up and down. Instead I decided to use the Shopfox D2893 Press Clamps purchased from Amazon.
All of the parts that I used are listed in the parts list shown below. Here is the Z Axis Assembly:
Here is the Z Axis Assembly mounted to the Y Axis Gantry:
This is the pre-assembly of the frame prior to building my table shown above.
Here I have installed the cross members that support the 1st layer mdf spoil board.
Y Axis Cable Tray Support Track Installed
X Axis Gantry Detail
Wire Cable Tray Mounting Detail
X Axis Cable Tray Guide Clips. (3d printed)
Layer 1 of the MDF Spoil Board Installed.
For my GT3 timing belt tensioners I used a great design by Tklus downloaded from Thinigiverse and I 3d printed them. This is a great design and works perfect.
400w Spindle Mounted
Z Axis Wiring Enclosures
Arctic Ox CNC Router
Build in 'Cartesian Style CNC' published by Catawissa_CNC, Jun 25, 2016.
This is a cartesian CNC Router build that is based off the OX CNC build by Mark Carew. I am using Spark Concepts CNC xPro controller board and their 400w spindle kit.
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Build Author Catawissa_CNC, Find all builds by Catawissa_CNC
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution NonCommercial - Share Alike - CC BY NC SA
Reason for this Build
Hobby Use - RecreationalInspired by
Ox CNC by Mark Carew -
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Parts list
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