I ordered the "C" machine from OpenBuilds and and began assembly as per online video instructions!
Build went fairly easy due to exceptional video instructions! I have to say that the quality of all materials
provided are top notch. Build took about six hours and as long as you follow the tutorial things should progress smoothly. Over all as my first CNC build I was quite pleased with
the end product.
Now on the other hand the software is a real "PAIN" as I do not normally use off the shelf products.
I am a "Ham" radio operator and dabble in electronics so the hardware/electronics is easy enough but that software is something else!
Build in 'CNC ROUTER BUILDS' published by FatGut, Dec 21, 2016.
MY experience as a first time introduction to the CNC world!
- Build Progress:
- Build Complete!
Special Notes
The following are resources I used.
John Smith Organs - Senior 20
Raspberry Pi Alamode CNC Controller - All
Raspberry Pi CNC - Protoneer - Wiki
Arduino - Home
Raspberry Pi - Teach, Learn, and Make with Raspberry Pi
Pololu - DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current
Involute spur gear generator and simulator
Mark Carew likes this. -
Build Author FatGut, Find all builds by FatGut
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Creative Commons Public Domain (CCO 1+)
Reason for this Build
I started to build a busker organ and was needing some specific parts and thought about a CNC to make them!Inspired by
All the Makers/Builders that have shared there knowlage and experiences with all of us.