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      1. Build Progress:
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      This project follows on from my previous build: Embroidery machine with XY belt and pinion drive and utilises readily available Arduino components combined with 3D printed parts:

      embroideryV2.png 20180630_154451.jpg 20180630_164656.jpg 20180701_132507.jpg 20190610_223852.jpg

      The three wheel plastic gantry plates with end supports seem to work really well and the system feels really solid - although the longevity remains to be seen! The design utilises a standard sewing machine and thus requires control of the 230 VAC mains supply to the machine. This is provided by a DIY power controller that is fully isolated - I take NO responsibility for the suitability of this design for any other builds. The main control activity is provided by an Arduino Nano with CNC shield and Bluetooth RS232 module.

      PowerControl.png Nano.JPG 20181111_144205.jpg 20181111_144245.jpg 20180906_204755.jpg 20181111_140032.jpg

      Needle up detection is provided by a retro-reflective detector mounted inside the machine. This proved much more reliable than trying to fit a detector on the embroidery foot.

      The user interface runs on an Android tablet and was by far the most time consuming part of this project:

      Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-52-54.png Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-53-09.png Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-53-28.png Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-53-49.png Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-54-01.png Screenshot_2019-06-10-23-54-28.png 20190609_194225.jpg

      A hastily produced video shows the machine in operation on an old shirt:

      The eagle eyed amongst you will notice that the design slipped slightly in the hoop but it still shows how the machine operates. If you watch the video to the end you will see a couple of other trials that turn out well.
      1. Special Notes

        The mains power controller should only be constructed by a practitioner in the field and should be tested using PAT testing equipment. The author takes no responsibility for the suitability of this design to your project.
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution NonCommercial - CC BY NC

    Reason for this Build

    To improve my previous attempt.
  • Attached Files:

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