I would like to present to you my latest project.
Main concept was to use old parts from MendelMax. Throw out plastic parts and use corexy.
Here is short video about this process:
Work is "in progress" so when my first print comes out i will update this topic.
TesseractXY (MendelMax 1.5 version)
Build in 'H-Bot and Core XY' published by uran, Oct 18, 2016.
History about making 3d printer.
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
inv4derMX, MickyB, A_Bloodline and 3 others like this. -
Build Author uran, Find all builds by uran
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution NonCommercial - CC BY NC
Reason for this Build
Because i want to check another kinematics