machine components
assembled machine
New Drawing pen
textile with wax drawn by the machine (in the img you see the old pen)
Final result, after the textile is dyed.
Textile Drawing Machine
Build in 'Other Style DrawBot' published by eumo, May 4, 2018.
Textile Drawing Machine is a drawing machine thought specifically to draw on textile. Unlike other CNC machine it's dimensions follow the standard textile dimensions (1500mm) and it's on wheels to allow to draw on an unlimited area. TDM has been developed for the project Digital Wax Print, a self initiated research project, carried out by The Future Continuous, a collabration between Olivia De Gouveia and Eugenia Morpurgo.
- Build Progress:
- Build Complete!
Special Notes
You can find instructions on how to build the machine on my github. eumorpurgo/TextileDrawingMachine
To see the machine in action have a look at
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA