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Yeah it is a bit steep up front but absolutely awesome. The dust shoe they sell from kentcnc is just unbelievable and worth every dime! For...
I would check out this forum discussion on this very topic...wealth of information from really experienced builders on all the specifics and...
Ok gotcha. I did all the math a bit ago to figure out what rapids and such the setup I was shooting for was capable of before starting to...
What has your experience been like using the 1/2" acme screws? The belts are the weakest part of my machine by far and i am considering modifying...
Two huge lessons i have learned along the way i wish i had known at the start... well three really: First is that its not economical to start...
Yeah the KOMO is a sweetie. I was working in the RPC at the time so I got all that machine time for free! The bed has been an interesting mix...
I do all of my 3D modeling in Rhinoceros and use the RhinoCAM plugin to generate the cnc programs. For all of my floor plans or topo drawings I...
My machine uses 3 20x80 extrusions bolted together. My plate design files are uploaded!
[ATTACH] About My Machine (I guess it doesn’t really have a name yet): This project started as a simple size upgrade to my Shapeoko 2. One...
Awesome, thanks so much!
I have been trying to upload some 3D Part files for my CNC build but it keeps saying the files are too big. The files I am trying to upload are...
Beautiful. Just freaking beautiful!
Hey just wanted to touch base, i havent been able to get the part files and assembly models uploaded yet, life is still pretty crazy these days...
hmm yeah that is strange. I would give them a call and touch base about that. Their customer support is usually pretty good from my experience....