Here is a nice grbl interface for grbl I found online while doing some research and thought might be handy for others.
Below is quoted from the author (user: 109jb on cnczone )
My main reason for writing it was to incorporate features that other interfaces didn't have, and GRBL didn't support natively. I have it to the point where I feel it is ready for release for other GRBL users. It is a first release, and as such will assuredly still have bugs to fix. I confident that all of the potentially machine crashing bugs are gone. Here is a list of the features it has over and above what GRBL supports natively.
-- Canned cycle support for G81, G82, G83, G85, G89. Can be use in both MDI mode and in a g-code file
-- M2 optional stop support. Simple one, but not supported in GRBL
-- Single step mode
-- Start from mid-file
-- Tool change support. (Detects an M6) - (performs user marco code) - (pauses machine for physical tool change) - (applies appropriate tool length offset from a tool table)
-- 5 buttons for user defined macros

109JBs GRBL Interface 2015-11-23
Another GRBL interface with added functions