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Goodday, I have a stronghold one 1250x 1250mm. With a blackbox x32 and openbuild control. I choosed the openbuild lead 1515 as a setup point....
Hello. I'm encountering a frequent problem whilst executing my pen plots. The machine is merrily plotting away when it suddenly seems to jam...
Wondering if anyone can help. Using my new interface with the Xpro4. Setup seems to go fine but running a job from the supplied USB and one of my...
I'm testing my new machine and learning about it. I generated my toolpaths using Qcad and exported a gcode file. Then I opened the file with...
Got the dreaded "ERROR!: No supported firmware detected today, I've been through all of the support docs & links. Machine was working fine when I...
Set up my INTERFACE this afternoon. Got to the step where you update the Firmware and have hit a weird wall. Everything appears to be working on...
Hi there, I'm trying to set up my soft limits. As an example, I'm trying to set my Z-axis max travel soft limit to 80mm. But after setting it,...
I just finished building a Workbee 1510 (my first CNC) but when I tried running a job (hello world) the x and y-axis crash into the sides without...
Machine is a ball screw machine self designed. Controller - Black Box, Software Openbuilds Machine controller, Probe XYZ (open builds). Was using...
Greetings all. Anyone else having issues with the 3D View feature on the latest update? Prior builds worked fine, only after the update did the...
I'm mating a Hitachi VFD to an 800w ebay (Chinese) aircooled spindle. On arrival the spindle is rated (engraved) at 3amps. I'd have expected more...
Hello folks, I'm hoping someone on here can help me out. I have several setups in a 3D job, just did adaptive clearing, which worked fine, 12...
Hello, I'm setting up my OX CNC and have gotten to the stage of setting up the Universal G-Code Sender and config of the machine. I have been...