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Hey yal, I'm New to CNC and just finished build my the OX, but now I am having issues getting it to run. I get Error 9 when i connect to the...
These thin-style push sticks are intended for handling short boards (under 12″) on my table saw. They are based off of Metthias Wandel’s post...
I just purchased an OpenBuild C-Beam XL and am going to try and wire it up using the TinyG as my Driver, controller configuration. I was wondering...
i have been struggling to get my ox up and running and my frustration level is very high. I first had a hard time understanding how to get Jscut...
Hello guys, I'm building a large OX and finally got everything hooked up but I have a problem I can't find an answer. I'm using a TinyG with...
Hi All - My C-Beam Plate Maker is up and running! So far I have successfully cut 6.5mm 6061-T6 Aluminum dry with OK results. See gallery images....
Hi guys, this looks like a lot of fun. I found grbl and tinyg after watching NYC CNC on youtube and I'm excited to get mine working. Question is...
I bought a TinyG from SWM3d when I bought my OX kit in August. I upgraded to Gecko pretty much right away so I am selling my TinyG. $99 or best...
...many of you may know already, but be aware, if you read about limit switches, the advice is to get normaly closed switches as they are less...