When I looked at my A driver and the PL and DR wires(red,white) are exactly the same as the Y driver when plugged into the bob board. The Board is labeled on the board as to what driver goes where. My motors are not belt driven. The shafts are facing the same direction,but now turn in opposite directions which twist my gantry .
so the A is/was working just going in the wrong direction? swap the two motor wires that are different than the other to get them both going the same. motor wires not the pulse and direction wires. Gary
The only wires that are different on my drivers A and Y are on the power side B+ and B- are flipped on the A driver. The wires from the motors down to the connectors, are exactly the same on both motors and connectors.
I’m about ready to sell the whole thing and just give it up. I know the power side and I know the pulse side or where the signal comes from and where the signal is going to the power is coming from the supply to each driver the signals coming from the Bob board to each driver, which ends at the plugs that the motor is plugged into every driver is wired exactly the same all the plugs are wired exactly the same. The plugs from the motors to the male plugs are wired exactly the same there’s just something I’m not seeing here that’s why I tend to believe it’s something in mach3. But that doesn’t make sense because if everything is wired the same, the motors should be turning exactly the same I’m going through that video you sent me and checking out how Mach 3 was set up
It is a 32 bit microcontroller. That "32 bit" has nothing to do what type of processor your computer utilizes. Both 32 and 64 bit windows computers work with it.
Looks like they are all red black red black but this one. swapping one pair of wires will change the direction. Gary
to clarify for the original poster...... the microprocessor in the Blackbox X32 is 32 bit. it runs grblHAL, which is compiled for that microprocessor. the OpenbuildsCONTROL GUI that runs on the laptop is written in javascript and runs on 32 or 64 bit Windows/Mac/Linux without any problems or special actions needed. the 2 bits of software are separate and do not restrict each other in any way since they run on separate processors.
[QUOTE="Dancook, post: 136258, member: 201751 well. You did it I now have both motors running and changing directions.all I had to do was reverse my B-AndB+ on the A driver. Checked the polarity by holding the wires together and checking the ohms by twisting the motor shaft . Great thanks so much for your patience .you are awesome. I have learned a lot from this
I am in the process of building the cables for my new machine that uses twin Y motors powered by two ST-M5045 drivers. For the pulse and dir signals I jam using solder splices to combine the two driver inputs to the single output.