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24V LaserTree laser install

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Bll P, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    I have a new LaserTree 24V laser on order to add to my custom built CNC.

    Laser Tree LT-80W-AA-PRO Laser Module

    I'm using a BlackBox 32 controller and power supply.

    I have 2 questions (hope it's ok to ask 2 in one post):
    1. Can I hook up the laser PWM and 24V input directly to the connections on the X32 or do I have to use their adapter? I asked that of LaserTree, but they only referenced the original BlackBox, not the BlackBox 32 which has different connections.

    2. I'm using an IOT relay to power on my router and the only documentation I can find for using it with router and laser is for the BlackBox, not the BlackBox 32. Do I still need to add the toggle switch referenced in the BlackBox 6.4 documentation?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am totally confused.

    Bill P
  2. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Installed the laser today.
    Hooked it up directly to the X32 box and it seems to be working OK, but it doesn't burn anything. I don't think that PWM is working. I think it my be stuck in low power mode.
    Here's how I wired it. Connected the 3 wires from laser to a 4 port OpenBuilds connector using a jumper for 4th wire. The the 4 wires from the 4-pin connector went to 2 2 pin connectors.
    Did not install the toggle switch, I just turned off the IOT relay.

    If you have any suggestions they would be most appreciated.
    Maybe tomorrow I'll try rewiring it using the adapter board that came with the laser.

    Laser wiring.jpg
  3. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    1) Make sure you have Laser Mode enabled
    2) use the tool on buttons in CONTROL to test (eliminate CAM issues like wrong commands / wrong s-values)
    3) Wiring, we provide the standard PWM signal, rest really should be provided by the laser vendor how it should be wired

    If theres an extra board it might have a purpose, so add it all (would assume their documentation would tell you more about what it is though)
  4. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Laser mode is enabled.
    Laser fires as it should, just doesn't burn.
    Instructions say to use board if needed.
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Incorrect S-Value VS $30 setting can cause differences in power, are you testing from the Tool On/Off buttons?
  6. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Had $30=10000 changed it to $30=4000 which I used on old laser.
    Tested from Tool On/Off buttons as well as trying to run a previous laser project that worked fine with old 3018ProVer and Genmitsu laser.
    If I turn it on and let it sit it will burn the test piece.
    Rewired it using the adapter board that came with the laser, same results. Laser fires, but doesn't engrave. That adapter board has LED lights to tell you if it is wired correctly for power and PWM, correct lights came on.
    Just sent an email to LaserTree about this, told them I needed help or a RMA. Probably won't hear back until Monday at earliest.

  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Supposed to be 1000 for most CAMs (Ours, LightBURN etc)

    Maybe other settings wrong too. Post a Grbl Settings backup for review
  8. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    $0=10.0 ; Step pulse time, microseconds
    $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds
    $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask
    $3=6 ; Step direction invert, mask
    $4=0 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean
    $5=7 ; Invert limit pins, boolean/mask
    $6=1 ; Invert probe pin, boolean
    $8=0 ; Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield
    $9=1 ; PWM Spindle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest
    $10=511 ; Status report options, mask
    $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters
    $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters
    $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean
    $14=0 ; Invert control input signals, mask
    $15=0 ; Coolant pins invert, mask
    $16=0 ; Spindle pins invert, mask
    $17=0 ; Control pins pullup disable, mask
    $18=0 ; Limit pins pullup disable, mask
    $19=0 ; Probe pin pullup disable, boolean
    $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean
    $21=1 ; Hard limits enable, boolean
    $22=1 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)
    $23=3 ; Homing direction invert, mask
    $24=150.0 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min
    $25=750.0 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min
    $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds
    $27=5.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters
    $28=0.100 ; G73 retract distance, in mm
    $29=5.0 ; Step pulse delay (ms)
    $30=1000.000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM
    $31=0.000 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM
    $32=1 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean
    $33=1000.0 ; Spindle PWM frequency
    $34=0.0 ; Spindle off Value
    $35=0.0 ; Spindle min value
    $36=100.0 ; Spindle max value
    $37=0 ; Stepper deenergize mask
    $39=1 ; Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean
    $40=0 ; Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean
    $41=0 ; Parking cycle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest
    $42=2 ; Parking axis
    $43=1 ; Homing passes
    $44=4 ; Homing cycle 1
    $45=3 ; Homing cycle 2
    $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3
    $56=5.0 ; Parking pull-out distance in mm
    $57=250.0 ; Parking pull-out rate in mm/min
    $58=10.0 ; Parking target in mm
    $59=500.0 ; Parking fast rate in mm/min
    $60=0 ; Restore overrides
    $61=0 ; Safety door options as bitfield
    $62=0 ; Sleep Enable
    $63=2 ; Feed Hold Actions
    $64=0 ; Force Init Alarm
    $65=0 ; Require homing sequence to be executed at startup
    $70=7 ; Network Services
    $73=1 ; Wifi Mode
    $74=mshome ; Wifi network SSID
    $75=cooper1234 ; Wifi network PSK
    $100=320.000 ; X-axis steps per millimeter
    $101=320.000 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter
    $102=320.000 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter
    $110=2000.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $111=2000.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $112=2000.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $120=100.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $121=100.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $122=100.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $130=629.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    $131=624.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    $132=200.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    $320=grblHAL ; Hostname, max: 64
    $322= ; IP Address
    $323= ; Gateway
    $324= ; Netmask
    $325=23 ; Telnet port
    $326=80 ; HTTP port
    $327=81 ; Websocket port
    $341=0 ; Tool Change Mode
    $342=30.0 ; Tool Change probing distance
    $343=25.0 ; Tool Change Locate Feed rate
    $344=200.0 ; Tool Change Search Seek rate
    $345=200.0 ; Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate
    $346=1 ; Restore position after M6 as boolean
    $370=0 ; Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask)
    $384=0 ; Disable G92 Persistence
    $392=4.0 ; Spindle on delay in s
    $393=1.0 ; Coolant on delay in s
    $396=30 ; WebUI timeout in minutes
    $397=0 ; WebUI auto report interval in milliseconds
    $398=35 ; Planner buffer blocks
    $481=0 ; Autoreport interval in ms

    I appreciate you looking into this for me.

    Trying a new burn now real slow (100mm/m) and 75%. Looks to be better.
    But I'm use to much higher speeds from old laser and usually ran it 50 -60%.
  9. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Try 5000 as a test too. 1khz should be good, but try 5000 as well

    Double check CAM workflow does add S1000 for 100% job to gcode file.

    Focussed correctly? Lack of power can come from focusing problems too.
  10. Bll P

    Bll P New

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Got it going!!
    Turns out that the laser beam was bouncing off the inside of the air nozzle so it wasn't directly focusing on the material.
    Burned images at 60% and speeds to 4000 mm/m. No air assist during the testing, but nozzle was attached.

    Now my issue is that I can't get LightBurn to connect to the laser. Could it have anything to do with OpenBuilds converting my port to com 5? I thought it was com 3 before installing OpenBuilds.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Attached Files:

  11. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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