Can you provide a link to the controller box? I live 3 miles from Automation Technologies and I need an looks like what I'm looking for. Thank you.
CNC Controller Boxes Archives - Stepper Motor | Stepper Motor Driver | CNC Router | Laser Machine | 3D Printers For Sale Stepper Motor | Stepper Motor Driver | CNC Router | Laser Machine | 3D Printers For Sale I bought the one for up to 6 axis. Good luck. I really like Automation Technologies, Inc. they ship really fast, and I have no problem sending stuff back. Nice vendor to order from.
Hi Johnnycnc, I used an 8mm Lead Screw 1500mm long. That is about the longest you can go with an 8mm Lead Screw. At this length, the lead screw will wobble a little and might cause some back lash, although, it seems quite rigid at this time. I haven't cut anything with this, yet. While jogging the X-axis, I will sometimes hear the Lead screw bang around inside the C-Beam when it stops after a long high-speed jog. So, if you are needing to machine an entire 4'x8' piece of wood, your X axis will need to exceed 4'. You will need to look at a rack and pinion system of motion, I would think. Standard Rack and Pinion Parts | CNCRouterParts has a really nice rack and pinion drive mechanism. You may already know about this. I really wanted to go larger with mine, but this size I've chosen fits very well in my shop, and will keep me busy in the days to come.