Ok, getting ready to select a controller. Does anyone have any good experience on how to pick from these. I am from the 3D print world where our controllers usually have a separate LCD screen with a built in SD card reader so you can send GCODE directly to the printer without loosing connection. I am also worried about driving the motors. So the board needs to have the correct rating for each driver. 1 Z motor, 1 X motor and 2 Y motors that are all Nema 23 / 2A. Any ideas ?????
I have the motors. Nema 23 http://www.circuitspecialists.com/nema_23_stepping_motor_57bygh310-d.html I cant seem to decide on the electronics. I want it nice like the controller for our 3d printers. We all have lcd screens so you can operate the controller with the screen / sd card to hold the G code. Don't have a budget number at all. Thanks Steve