Looking for someone with Fusion 360 that would be interested in messaging regarding features, ideas, etc.
if you are wanting to learn it then there are many videos on youtube that will teach you. I like the FusionFridays series from NYCCNC
Thanks David, I am decently proficient, but wanted to see if anyone is willing to bounce around ideas on certain things. FusionFridays are great, I watch all of John's videos.
I use it a little (and I have done some work on GRBL postprocessor for it). My laptop is a bit slow. Maybe if I get a bonus later this year I will upgrade (-:
if you have allot of time Lars Christensen Lars Christensen Like the way it works, at other hand it can be very frustrating. (sketch/ constraints...)
Thank you, I have watched many of his videos, and yes very lengthy. His videos are best served by watching on one screen and working in Fusion on the other to see if you can do what he can do.