I would like to modify my workbee v3 gear cnc. I need to strengthen the y axis gantry plates and just help strengthen the overall design. I want to change the motion wheels bearings and blocks to something stronger would anybody have any ideas. Need stronger y plates any help.
As this is not an Openbuilds machine you will have to give us a bit more info. My research suggests this is from Makerstore and could be either leadscrew or rack and pinion. I am very familiar with the Ooznest/OpenBuilds workbee, but I have no idea what modifications Makerstore have made. Tell us what drive mechanism you have, with photos and pics showing us details of the plates used. I have the cad files for the original Workbee plates which might be useful to you and will post them as a resource next time I start the computer I have them stored on. Alex. EDIT files are already here OpenBuilds Workbee 1010 (40" x 40")