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OB Store - I'm shocked! Pleasantly.

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Wareagle, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Wareagle

    Wareagle New

    Jul 8, 2016
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    First post... blah, blah, blah.

    Kudos to the Openbuilds Store Team! I ordered a C-Beam XL over the weekend, and didn't expect it to ship for several days figuring there'd be time cutting extrusions, gathering hardware, sorting screws, and boxing things up. This afternoon I received an email with the ship notification and tracking number. Pleasantly surprised is an understatement; I really thought that I'd have some time this week to figure out how I wanted to control the motion, how I wanted its table built, and the like before the box was on the way. Nope!

    Being one to not have a "project" laying in wait, OBPS is going to have me hopping over the next week or two. Now I need to finalize planning and gather up the rest of the stuff to complete the build. I'm sure I'll be back asking for advice and help along the way!

    To the Openbuilds Store Team: Well done! And thank you.
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Thank you @Wareagle for taking the time to share this. FYI - We shared your post with the entire OpenBuilds Team here in the morning meetup today and everyone clapped and cheered! Its this kind of positive energy and feedback that helps to fuel the fire of production and puts everyone on the Team in great spirits. We all love to hear that our efforts are reaching others in a great way.
    Thank you again and all the best with your build! :thumbsup:
    Wareagle and MaryD like this.
  3. Wareagle

    Wareagle New

    Jul 8, 2016
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    A follow up...

    My C-Beam XL kit arrived today. A subsequent order from OBPS also arrived today. (again, very pleased by the fast turn around) Both orders arrived in great shape and very well packed. Very well packed - when I say very well packed, I mean about the only way to hurt the contents would be to set it on fire and drop it off a building into an ammo dump. I'm amazed at the care taken to ensure a safe delivery.

    @Mark Carew I'm glad to know you shared the kudos with the OBPS team. Words of encouragement are very important to the moral of any organization. Receiving genuine praise for a job well done always feels great. The world needs more!

    Constructive criticism is equally vital for a company's success, but this is seeming to be a lost art. It seems that many people are on a hair trigger (complaints wise) and when something goes awry, the fire balls start flying. Why is it complaining is more prevalent than encouragement?

    I honestly believe that there isn't an issue between parties that can't be resolved with good communications and a small amount of patience and understanding. Attitude is everything!

    Again, well done to the OBPS team! All the best!!

    And now, the fun begins!!!
  4. GrayUK

    GrayUK Openbuilds Team Elder
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    May 5, 2014
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    Good luck with the build!! :D
    You know where to come if you have any problems.
    Oh, and you must keep us informed all the way along!! We love pictures here. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    Mark Carew likes this.
  5. Sprags

    Sprags Well-Known

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Overall I am happy with Open Builds as a company and the way they have provided goods to me however....I have had issues with damaged and missing items. Corrections were made quickly once communication was established but it seems that messages I have submitted through the OB web page for contacting OB did not work correctly. I used an iPad and PC's at work and home to also contact them and I believe the culprit may have been with my iPad. Overall quality is excellent for the products they sell and the way they handle customer service.

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