Iwan Müller submitted a new resource: Pen holder - STL File for 3D printing a penholder for the kress-mount Read more about this resource...
Something that may also be of interest to others is how my good friend Sam modified a standard retractable ball point pen to give a spring-loaded tip http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,16012.msg108100.html#msg108100 I think this, modified, pen would fit nicely into Iwan's pen holder. Tweakie.
In many ways it is often the simplest of solutions that are the best. I am struggling to design an electronic version of the 'dancer' type of wire tensioner - so far I have come up with 3 different ideas and they are all too complicated - there has to be a simple solution but so far it is still eluding me. Tweakie.