i had same issues while i was working out the issues on my grbl and cut settings. once i fixed all that it was fine. I installed a sweeper on my cnc and i got a bunch off limit errors. today when i fired up, it wont connect and i tried the regular steps with out success. I changed laptops, did reinstall and same issues. I fear i may have damaged the board. I clicked the link you provided and it looks like maybe i need to replace the controller? is that the entire box or just a part? any otther suggestions?
Was the dust hose properly grounded and the correct anti static type hose? If not, possibly created a huge static discharge that damaged the BlackBox yes
The dust and air particles rubs on the hose. Remember as a kid rubbing your feet on the carpet to shock your friend? Same thing, millions of particles rubbing the wall of the hose at high speed. Charges of hundreds of thousands of volts can build up in the hose, and when it finds a nearby wire (dust hose on CNCs typically quite close to Z motor and Endstops) it can accidentally discharge (spark across, or contact) and those high voltages can damage sensitive electronics. Called ESD (electrostatic discharge) They make anti static / static dissipative hoses, they are conductive and lead the charges to a safe ground, preventing ESD. Highly recommended on any dust system around computerised/electronic controlled machinery.
Thanks for the explanation. I never gave it a moment's thought but it makes sense. So now if I actually did whack it the controller itself? Is the controller the entire box or is it the board in the box? Is it something I can replace easily or is it as much as the entire GMC?
Unfortunately its replacement, unless you have board-level diagnosis and surface mount rework skills (or a buddy) to locate the specific components (likely several) that's been damaged and then resolder them with new components - the time premium on that sort of work (labour charge) usually far outweighs the cost of replacement Just do make sure you checked all the steps in docs:blackbox-x32:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation] first, just double checking it wasnt a windows update or something that caused issues on the PC, or a newly developed wiring short (that just happened to coincide with the time you fitted dust extraction, something like a loose terminal etc) - testing with a different computer to rule out computer problems, and a test with just BlackBox, USB cable and PC (everything else unplugged) at least to see if it really is dead
haha - you wont belive my luck!. after researching and testing with no luck, i tried the 'wiggle the cable in the box' trick and it worked!!! aparently the connection in the board is not perfectly seated and now its working. crazy, im definitly going to try the offline controller as it will eliminate this issue. thanks again for your help.