I just recently changed my Folgertech kossel boards for a azteeg x5 mini v2. Most items are working like endstop switches, thermistors, hotend cartridge and heated bed. The motors are the only thing that will not move. When I power up the board, the stepper motors seem to be enabled since I can't move the carriages. But when I use pronterface to try and move any of the motors, the motor will not move but they are free to turn by hand at that point. Using default config still from smoothieware no changes to it. Any hints will be greatly appreciated ...
I did a bit more testing and found that if I click on the motors off button. It causes the all of the motors to lock again and you can't move them. I did do a test on the extruder motor and it does not move either even with the hotend up to temp. I wonder if it is an issue with my stepper drivers? I check with a meter the pins when the motors are locked and I see the following. 2B - 12V 2A - Ground 1A - .600 to .500 volts 1B - .600 to .500 volts