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Build List

Pong CNC

Jun 2, 2016
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This build is to show what's possible as well with openBuilds! I use a single ArduinoMega and 5 separate stepper drivers (A4988). The LEDs are all NeoPixels. Collision 'detection' is all done within the code, so the endstops are only sensors I use in this build. I'm a self-employed video-artist and this is my first installation which just needs power and it runs (where I'm quite proud of). Normally my interactive installations take a long setup time, so this installation is a relief :)

the Feedback Fractal project

May 17, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.

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