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Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to various Part Store and OpenBuilds Forum related questions you may have.
Discuss CAD (Computer Assisted Design) Software Here Example: Sketchup - Rhino - Solid Works - AutoCAD etc...
- 152
- 1,089
Discuss CAM (Computer Assisted Manufacturing) [Software Here Control Software] Example: Mach - Pronterface - Repetier - Creator - MakerCAM - CNCUSB - Grbl Controller etc...
- 358
- 3,164
Control Software
Discuss the different available control options out there for the machines you build.
- 866
- 11,731
Controller Boards
Discuss cnc controller boards Ramps/Ardunio - Grbl Controller - smoothie - Gen 7 - Sanguinololu - Megatronics - Easy_electronics etc..
- 940
- 7,254
General Electronics
Discuss electronics in general or electronic items not in a specific category.
- 247
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Share your helpful tutorials/ how to tips here. Example tutorials may be how to solder or may be how to make a screwdriver tip magnetic etc...
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- 666
Helpful Tools
Add helpful tools here like pulley ratio calculators,center distance designers,etc.
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OpenBuilds Bug Report
If you find an error or something that looks out of place in OpenBuilds, please let us know here. We will look into your report as soon as possible. Please do not report bugs in builds here. Builds have their own forums for discussion.
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