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Build Author mytechno3d Views 15273
Cut To Length Machine
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A Cut To Length machine controlled by computer
Build Author HuguesP Views 6309
Peristaltic pumps, Automatic Cocktail mixer
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This is an automatic cocktail mixer made with 8 small peristaltic pumps. this is driven with the touch screen or over wifi. the controller used is a raspberry pi with a Apache webserver
Remote Toiler Flusher!
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This project provides an easy method for my granddaughter to use the facilities in the smallest room of the house! The toilet cistern is located in the garage and was originally manually activated by a pushbutton connected via a cable. The location of the pushbutton - combined with the stiffness of the mechanism made it tricky for her to use. This project provides a solution to the problem.
Build Author Sir Bagels Views 2386
CNC Auto-pipette
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Senior Design Project Bennett Robertson, Megan England University of Iowa College of Engineering
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