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Stainless OX kit
Cartesian Style CNC
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This is a 1500 X 1500 Stainless OX kit build, by a cnc novice. It is the first cnc machine i have ovned and build I got this kit from
Ox Stainless with ballscrews
Cartesian Style CNC
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Ox Stainless with ballscrews for motion, nema 23 steppers, LInuxcnc for control software. Using basic parts for frame from Makersupplies, and the rest sourced from ebay. Building a small router hoping it will be able to cut aluminum with decent results.
Build Author Tucstrlly Views 8077
Stainless OX Kit Build "Diamondback CNC"
Cartesian Style CNC
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A copy of the Stainless Ox by Martin Barfoed. Similar design, construction and control.
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