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Arduino Mega to EMC2 (LinuxCNC) Plasma Table Conversion

This is a story about a guy who started with a $25 set of plans, and through 4 iterations/ rebuilds, ended up with a professional quality CNC plasma table capable of cutting anything steel up to 2 inches thick.
PnP 4 axis small/fast machine

You need some mechanical and electronic experience. This is NOT a novice undertaking! a familiarity with linux a plus (but not necessary). Basic woodworking and metal fabrication a big plus as well.

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Sphinx rigid XL

Rigid variant of the C-Beam sphinx platform

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Inverted Y C-Beam Machine

Similar to C-Beam Machine build, but with inverted Y-axis assembly to shield drive screw. Integrated XZ gantry can be fixed to any solid surface. Build dimensions are 36" x 36" x 6".
Ox Stainless with ballscrews

Ox Stainless with ballscrews for motion, nema 23 steppers, LInuxcnc for control software. Using basic parts for frame from Makersupplies, and the rest sourced from ebay. Building a small router hoping it will be able to cut aluminum with decent results.
The Nguni - an OX variant

A modified OX with more X clearance, MDF plates, vacuum table

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Kyoujin Mk1 (C-Beam /w Rack & Pinion)

C-Beam based CNC with Rack & Pinion (for the X Axis) and lead screws (for the Y Axis)

Build Author
Jesse Jenkins
Hedron's build with Ooznest kit and Xylotex motors

A 3-axis flying gantry (4'x4') mechanical kit is assembled. A 3D printer is used to make cable chain for tidy and cheap wire management. A BeagleBone Black development platform with Machinekit software (LinuxCNC) is configured to control a Xylotex motor driver box connected to an Openbuilds Ox direct-drive pulley and belt motion system. A vacuum dust-collection system is designed, CNC-routed and installed. A steel table is made to mount the table onto.