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W|W plasma/drag knife 1500x1500 (floating head & z-axis)
Plasma Cutter Builds
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Step by step designing and implementing of my plasma approach
Build Author M1dn1ghtN1nj4 Views 8705
The Beast
Cartesian Style Bots
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This is a heavily modified system based on the RatRig V-Cast. Lots of personal touches, and a LOT more to come!
Build Author Sergio Di Ventura Views 8293
Prusa Dragon LR
Cartesian Style Bots
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Below are the details of my build and a good story for those who read till the end. Sorry for the grammar
Build Author James Evanko Views 3347
Sherline C-Beam with Offline Controller and MPG
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
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This is a C-Beam based router with V-rails used for the bed, a Sherline spindle with Jacobs chuck, closed loop stepper motors on every axis and an offline 4-axis CNC controller. A U-channel was created to guide the drag chain on the X-axis.
Flexible Axis Revolving Tool-holder
Everything Else
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Drag knife and pen holder which mounts in spindle collet.
Build Author SlyClockWerkz Views 16056
1000mm X 1500mm OX CNC -- Fiber/Garolite
Cartesian Style CNC
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Building the full size OX.
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