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Build Author pek Views 79547
Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2(s), MK2.5 and MK3 3D printer
Build Author inhan Views 20252
Openbuilds rovo laser mini(오픈빌드)
laser mini 20 * 40 OPENBUILDS base frame.(크기 412x455mm) laser mini 20*40 기본프레임입니다. 기존 여러부품을 사용한 제품보다 부품수를 줄이면서 최소한의 단가를 뽑을려고 디자인했습니다.. 기존대비 부품수 절반에 단가도 절반을 줄이면서 최적의성능을 내려합니다.
Steel Frame 3D Printer
A steel framed 3D printer using a similar design with my CNC Router.
Build Author pek Views 25470
Prusa i3 Bear Half Upgrade v1.0
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2 / MK2s / MK2.5 3D printer
Steel Frame CNC Router
A scratch built steel frame CNC Router.
NCS P3-v Steel with 12X12 Build area
A large 12x12x12 build area sturdy printer made of steel
Cancelled - Modified OX CNC for Mitre Cutting (Picture Framing)
Creating a CNC mitre (45°) cutter, for picture frame cutting. Starting with an OX, but inverting various parts and adding a material table, with a stepper-controlled measuring guide.
Build Author islahcnc Views 4036
I will post soon some more details.
OB Minimill with bottom frame PSU+Drivers
All-in-one OB Minimill
Build Author Daniel.korneliussen Views 2916
Reprap prusa mendel i2 Frankenstein 2018 build
Mad plumbers choice what Else can i say?
Build Author JerwanDavis Views 5314
Coined by my family as the: Davomatic
Build Notes: Here are all the parts necessary to re-produce this design. Please note, all of the parts are either sourced through openbuilds or have been selected and printed from thingiverse.
Gluing frame for guitar tops and backs
I have built four of these frames. The first pictured I have been using for maybe a year or two and bought the clamps. The last three I have made I have built my own clamps with openbuild parts. I am still working on the design. At present I use wedges to apply pressure to the side of the wood and block. I am working on a cam system to apply pressure. I just bought 8mm screws with Knobs for quicker adjustment. I will update the build when I make these improvements.
Build Author Leboeuf Views 4232
Cartesian 3d printer
This is the build of a cartesian 3d printer made of an old Anet and Geeeteck, some 2020 alu profil and linear rail. Powered by a Rumba with a Nextion screen. It should be modular and accept dual Extrusion and laser engraving.